client / Bright Start

Bright Start Daycare & Preschool

Hull, IA




square feet



Facing a critical childcare shortage, the community of Hull recognized the need for a larger daycare facility to accommodate more children. Their new facility now features abundant natural light, vibrant colors, a flexible play area for inclement weather days, and a dedicated preschool classroom. The renovation also includes an expanded administrative office, a break room for staff and increased storage throughout the facility. The enhanced daycare also includes larger rooms for infants and toddlers, with a significant capacity increase. This expansion was made possible through the support of many local businesses and donors, demonstrating the community’s commitment to addressing the childcare needs in Hull, Iowa.



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302 Jones St #200, Sioux City, IA 51101 View larger map and directions

CMBA Architects

319 SW 5th St #102, Des Moines, IA 50309 View larger map and directions

CMBA Architects

505 Grand Avenue Spencer, Iowa 51301 View larger map and directions

CMBA Architects

208 N Pine Street, Suite 301 Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 View larger map and directions

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1111 N 13th Street, Suite 205 Omaha, NE 68102 View larger map and directions