Tag: higher ed

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Advancing the Campus Technology Agenda

Higher education has always relied on innovation. From compressed schedules to semesters abroad, determining new and unique methods to teach students has always been a staple of college and university learning.


Merging Old & New Architecture in Campus Buildings

One of the challenges colleges and universities face when adding or updating facilities is ensuring a cohesive feel throughout the campus. Often times existing structures are 100 years old (or more), so incorporating a new building with modern materials presents unique opportunities to merge the old with the new.


Designing College & University Spaces for Technical Learning

Traditional classrooms at colleges and universities around the world have been designed as “stand-and-deliver, sit-and-listen” spaces. Colleges and Universities are now more and more focused on designing spaces for technical learning. Read more.

Exterior of Hickman Johnson Furrow Learning Center

Campus Buildings Can Change People

Winston Churchill says, “We shape our buildings and afterward our buildings shape us.” So how does that apply to campus architecture?”

Company News

The Need for CTE Programs

It’s a need that both educators and parents can agree on – students should be exposed to career options and training through Career & Technical


Student-Centered Spaces

As educators, student outcomes and their learning achievements are the most important indicator of success. Unfortunately, facility design – which has a significant impact on

Interior Design

5 Hot Tips for Your Food Venue

What makes one food venue popular, while another struggles to attract students? 2015 marked the first year consumers spent more dining out than buying groceries.