Todd Campbell AIA, LEED AP
He seems to have an endless amount of energy. Don’t believe us? Todd Campbell has ridden in Ragbrai seven times, and once rode his bicycle all the way from San Francisco, California to Maine! It was a 3,800-mile ride that traversed three mountain ranges and the Great Salt Lake Desert! Needless to say, Todd’s approach to work is to “hit the day hard and fast!”
Todd is quick, precise, and lighthearted. He has an awesome sense of humor and his go-to meeting snacks are “Milk Duds & Dr Pepper… or Funyuns & Dr Pepper… maybe, Bit-O-Honey & Dr Pepper…Wait, did I mention Dr Pepper?!”
In addition to his questionable taste in meeting snacks, Todd is also a writer, a bit of gardener, and an amazing architect! We love having you on the team, Todd!